One photogenic groundhog

Alison writes:

dear fellow rodent lover,

i thought you might appreciate these photos of a groundhog we discovered in my backyard on cherry ave last year. i dont recall the exact date of the sighting, but it was sometime in summer.


Click here to see more photos of the groundhog! Thanks Alison!

Posted in Charlottesville, Virginia | Leave a comment

My mom has also contributed…

July 1993, in a wooded area near Cornell [University]. Roger and I saw what appeared to be a beaver swimming across a small pond. There was also a dam at one end of the pond. I feel that it was indeed, a beaver.  momxx

Posted in New York | Leave a comment

First Submission!

Your name: Mick
What you saw: I don’t know what it was, but it was a beaver like mammal.
Where you saw it: 1904A Stadium Road; Charlottesville, VA (state,
city or county, intersection, etc)
When you saw it: One day last week
Any other interesting information: It jumped out from my driveway when
I got home from work. It scared me half to death!

Mick even sent this awesome representation of the BLM. Thanks Mick!


Posted in Charlottesville, Virginia | Leave a comment

What’s the deal with this site? provides a public space where you can post sightings of beaver-like mammals (BLMs). Did you spot a BLM at the corner of 10th Street and West Main? Does a BLM emerge from the bushes by your back porch every evening around 6pm? Did you catch a glimpse of a BLM out of your car window on the way home on Thursday night? Submit your sighting to! It’s easy to post a sighting, just click on the “Submit a Sighting” tab at the top of this page.

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Hi everyone, welcome to! After a year of talk, I finally have this site live. And just in time. The weather is warming up and there are sure to be many BLMs out there emerging from their winter quarters. Please everyone, keep your eyes open and post your first spring 2007 BLM sighting to Thank you for your support.

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