Oprah should have a BLM of the month club

I am a member of an extremely awesome book club. The club has plenty of members who, I happen to know for a fact, see plenty of BLMs. But I have not receieved one single BLM sighting from a club member, hint hint, nudge nudge. Until now, that is. Saskia wins the prize for being the first book club member to really come through for beaverlikemammals.com. Yay Saskia! She reports that her daughter, Jessica, spied a BLM eating Begonias off the picnic table on their deck. What a sassy BLM! This occurred in Charlottesville on August 8th. And check out this awesome photo:


Thanks again Saskia! Next month, one of our discussion questions should be “What was unique about the setting of the book and how did it enhance or take away from the story? And, further more, why have no other book club members submitted any sightings to beaverlikemammals.com?”

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2 Responses to Oprah should have a BLM of the month club

  1. Joe Burlingame says:

    E-Mail @ beaverlikemammals dot com not working in Outlook Mail
    Would like to send Pics

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