I live in the Number One City for Beaver Like Mammals!

Bill writes:

From my back porch sometimes I can see as many as 3 BLMs at once, scattered across my neighbors’ yards. The City is to BLMs as Shenandoah National Park is to deer. The City is a place where BLMs can live without fear. No danger from hunters, no danger from off leash dogs. CHO is a BLM center. Charlottesville is the Number One City for Beaver Like Mammals!This silver-back in the yard of #### Woolen Mills RD (a.k.a. Market Street).

Thanks so much Bill! I hope you are right that BLMs are safe in Charlottesville. I am always so concerned when I see them grazing by the side of the road. I do wish we could hire BLM crossing guards. Do you think Charlottesville would consider changing the official city slogan to “CHO is a BLM center” or “Charlottesville is the Number One City for Beaver Like Mammals!”? I think both those phrases have a very nice ring. Also, this is an awesome photo of a very noble-looking BLM:


And the BLM’s closeup:


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2 Responses to I live in the Number One City for Beaver Like Mammals!

  1. Opally says:

    A BLM is what we call a “Wug”.

    I looked at my woebegone husband one day and called him a “wug”. He asked me “What is a wug?” I replied, not so cleverly, “You’re a wug!”

    Some time later we drove by a ground hog, aka “BLM,” by the side of the road, and Wug, er, Husband asked me, somewhat accusingly, “Is that a wug!?” I had to admit that a ground hog is a wug. Since then we have discovered many wugs… and I am startled to realize that BLMs are wugs.

    Thank you for publishing this most illuminating blog.

  2. Victoria says:

    Council members and city staff convened at a retreat this summer and put their collective heads together. After a considerable amount of blood, sweat, and tears, they came up with the following:

    “City of Charlottesville: A Great Place to Live for All of Our Beaverlike Mammals.”

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